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Resources for Parent Reps

Parent Representative

Parental participation in school board activities is essential. School board parents’ committees exist to ensure that the parents’ needs and advice are communicated to the Council of Commissioners and the board’s administration. We know that the parent representative role in this regard may initially seem daunting initially. This handbook provides an overview of your responsibilities as a parent representative and of the roles parents can serve on various committees. We hope it will serve as a great resource to you. Download it here

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Quebec's Education Act

According to Quebec’s Education Act, parents and guardians have a right to participate in the activities of their school board and to be represented on various school board committees. In order to accomplish this, every public school board in Quebec must establish a parents’ committee.

The parent representative and alternate are elected at the school’s Annual General Assembly (AGA) of parents held during the month of September. Although they must be parents on the Governing Board, they are not elected by the Governing Board, nor solely by the parent members of the Governing Board. Any eligible parent or guardian who attends the assembly may vote for the person they feel will best represent them.

See Quebec's Education Act (1-13.3)

Governing Board Annual General Assembly (AGA) Kit

According to the Education Act, it must take place before September 30, 2021, or your GB will dissolve and all powers will return to the principal. At the AGA, the following items must be voted by the parent body:

  • Election of Governing Board parent members to available positions
  • Election of substitutes (optional) to available positions
  • Election of a Parent Representative and an Alternate Parent Representative to LBPSB Parents’ Committee (from existing or newly elected GB parent members)
  • The decision whether or not to form a PPO, and, if formed, the naming the members

In addition, the AGA is an opportune time to present your GB Annual Report. 

The 2019-2020 AGA kit contains the following templates that can be further modified to meet your school’s needs: 

  • Sample invitation to attend the AGA at your school
  • Sample nomination form for a seat on your Governing Board (optional, but useful to be sent home for parents interested in GB)
  • Sample Agenda
  • Sample Ballots
  • A list of what should be included in your GB annual report
  • Explanation of roles and responsibilities for GB parents
  • AGA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  • Further clarification regarding changes to GB composition with the implementation of Law 105

Get the Editable Microsoft Word version of the templates here.

Bill n°105 : An Act to amend the Education Act

This bill amends the Education Act, in particular to grant commissioners representing parents’ committees the right to vote at meetings of the council of commissioners and allow them to be appointed to the office of school board vice-chair. In addition, the rules concerning co-opted commissioners are revised to ensure that one of their two seats is reserved for a person who is active in the sports or health sector and has filed a nomination. The bill also introduces certain measures to ensure the participation of school, vocational training centre and adult education centre principals in certain school board decisions concerning the allocation of school board resources. It also specifies that school boards must fulfil their mission with due respect for the principle of subsidiarity and with a view to providing support to educational institutions in the exercise of their responsibilities. The bill simplifies the planning and accountability reporting mechanisms imposed on schools, education centres and school boards. Lastly, the Minister is given the power to issue directives to school boards.

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